Skin Tightening With Radio Frequency In Toronto
The procedure of laser skin tightening is done through the use of lasers to tighten the old and “loose” skin to give the appearance of youthful skin. Radio frequency skin tightening delivers heat deeply into the skin to cause tightening and lifting of the skin.
The radio frequency skin tightening procedure is used for skin tightening which reduces the signs of aging skin to give you a more youthful appearance. It is a safe, unique, non-invasive, advanced method for tightening skin using computer-controlled radio frequency energy. It is used for non-surgical brow lifts and non-surgical tightening of facial wrinkles, and the treatment of loose skin on the arms, thighs and abdomen. It does not require any recovery time.
Why Choose Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa?
Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa is a leading cosmetic dermatology clinic in Toronto. Dr. Gidon, a leading Toronto dermatologist and her team of experienced medical staff are pleased to offer the latest in state-of-the-art cosmetic dermatology treatments. As a skin care expert, Dr. Gidon utilizes her extensive knowledge of dermatology together with her cosmetic procedures to offer patients the best possible care with the highest professional standards.
As a leading specialist in the field of cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Gidon has examined virtually every product and equipment available for non-invasive enhancement of your appearance. During your private consultation with Dr. Gidon, you can expect to benefit from a customized combination therapy recommendation that includes laser, light, ultrasound and radio frequency based equipment to tone and tighten the skin, remove age spots and spider veins, and reduce stubborn fat deposits.
Additionally, Dr. Gidon is also a leader in providing cosmetic injectables including Neuromodulators for Cosmetic Treatments and Dermal Fillers. These treatments are primarily performed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restore a youthful facial contour, and soften deep folds in specific areas of the face.
Dr. Gidon focuses on non-surgical cosmetic facial and body enhancements. She believes in educating her patients about the vast assortment of cosmetic treatment options available today and takes pleasure in formulating an effective treatment plan that is customized for each patient.
What Areas Can Be Treated?
The entire face can be treated. It can tighten the skin around the forehead, eyes, eyelids, cheeks, jawline and neck, creating a mini facelift. The abdomen, arms and thighs can also be treated to tighten the skin.
What Results Will I See?
Skin is tighter, and wrinkles and looseness are diminished. Skin texture is improved. Since the procedure shrinks oil glands, acne and skin oiliness are improved, pores are refined, and scars minimized.
How Does the Procedure Work?
The top layers of skin are protected with a cooling spray while radio frequency energy heats the collagen in the lower layers, causing skin to tighten immediately. Over time, new collagen is formed to further tighten skin and produce a more youthful appearance.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is the building block that supports the structure of the skin. With aging, collagen becomes depleted or damaged by the sun, smoking or other environmental factors. The results are visible signs of aging, such as loose skin and wrinkles.
Is the Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Procedure Painful?
With each pulse, there is a cooling sensation, followed by a brief heating sensation as the collagen in the deep layers of skin is tightened, and then another cooling sensation. For comfort, a mild oral analgesic is given. The procedure itself takes about one hour.
Dr. Martie Gidon
Dr. Martie Gidon trained in Dermatology at the University of Toronto and is a Board Certified Dermatologist in both Canada, as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the United States, as a Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology. She is a highly skilled and experienced Dermatologist and has been practicing Cosmetic Dermatology for over 20 years.

When Will I See Results?
Some tightening occurs shortly after treatment, but it usually takes two to eight months to see the full response.
How Long Will the Effects of the Treatment Last?
Studies have shown that the collagen changes can last several years, depending on the rate of the aging process. Avoidance of sun and smoking will ensure longer-lasting results. The procedure can be repeated in about one year if necessary.
How Will I Look After Treatment?
Most patients return to their regular activities immediately following the procedure. Some patients experience mild redness, but it usually disappears quickly. Rarely, a small blister may form. If the eyelids are treated, they may appear puffy for a day or two. Since an oral analgesic is given, it is not recommended that you drive yourself home. There is no special care needed after treatment, but sun protection is recommended. If you are prone to facial cold sores, Dr. Gidon will prescribe antiviral medication to prevent a recurrence.
What Will Happen If I Have a Tan?
Skin of any colour can be treated, including tanned skin. Treatment can be performed any time of year since it does not cause sun sensitivity. Of course, sun protection should routinely be used.
Can I Combine The Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Procedure With Other Anti-aging Procedures?
Definitely! This treatment can be complemented by intense pulsed light treatments for photorejuvenation, ablative and non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, mesoinfusion, neuromodulator injections, and filler substances to yield the healthiest, most attractive skin possible.
How Do I Know If The Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Procedure Will Be Effective For Me?
Dr. Gidon is an experienced skin care specialist who can assess your skin and determine if this procedure and other complementary procedures will be of benefit to you. Just book a consultation with her.
Convenient Financing
Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa is pleased to offer patient financing for a wide variety of services through reputable patient financing companies.
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