Dr Gidon's Philosophy
Everyone should have the opportunity to visit a Dermatologist to have their skin examined. Dr. Gidon suggests yearly examinations and encourages patients to return sooner if they notice any changes or have concerns. Dr. Gidon has a passion for skin and likes to educate her patients. It is important to help prevent disease so that skin can be healthy and attractive.
Dr. Martie Gidon
Dr. Martie Gidon trained in Dermatology at the University of Toronto and is a Board Certified Dermatologist in both Canada, as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the United States, as a Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology. She is a highly skilled and experienced Dermatologist and has been practicing Cosmetic Dermatology for over 20 years.

Beautiful skin needs a healthy lifestyle and Dr. Gidon strongly urges patients to use sun protection, not smoke, and have a well-balanced diet and exercise program. Dr. Gidon is a skin care specialist and can help with all your skin concerns.
There is a definite advantage in seeing a female Dermatologist and having a feminine point of view. Dr. Gidon can empathize with patients and understand their busy lifestyle and desire to look their best. She knows that many people would like discrete, subtle changes over time and would like several small treatments instead of one major procedure. She is also knowledgeable about what cosmetic products are available and can discuss all her patients’ concerns in detail. Men and women often feel vain and guilty about considering cosmetic procedures, but Dr. Gidon feels it is absolutely appropriate to want to look and feel your best.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Gidon asks her patients if they have any specific concerns. She will address those concerns and advise them of the potential treatments or procedures that can be performed to fulfil their requests. Often, patients do not know what procedures they would like to have done so Dr. Gidon will assess them and offer detailed suggestions on what procedures would be appropriate for them. She will develop an individualized treatment plan to ensure a patient’s satisfaction.
Dr. Gidon offers many different procedures to enhance the appearance of skin. Few people need an extreme makeover. Often, just “making the best of what you have” is enough to make someone happy. A small procedure such as brightening a dull complexion, evening-out skin pigmentation or softening a wrinkle may result in enormous satisfaction.
Cosmetic procedures are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. While some procedures are surprisingly inexpensive, others may be more costly because of the expensive materials and equipment used. Dr. Gidon ensures that her patients receive the best value possible.
Dr. Gidon understands that you have time constraints and she performs many procedures that do not require recovery time, so you can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.
Dr. Gidon is always honest and forthright with patients. If she does not think a procedure will help or enhance your appearance, she will tell you. If you have realistic expectations, you will be happy and satisfied with your treatments. It gives Dr. Gidon enormous pleasure to make someone’s skin healthy and beautiful.
convenient financing
Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa is pleased to offer patient financing for a wide variety of services through reputable patient financing companies.