medically proven, Safe, and effective hair reduction
Laser hair removal has become a very popular treatment to eliminate unwanted facial and body hair. It is a safe, fast and effective method for long-term reduction of hair.
Why Choose Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa?
Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa is a leading cosmetic dermatology clinic in Toronto. Dr. Gidon, a leading Toronto dermatologist and her team of experienced medical staff are pleased to offer the latest in state-of-the-art cosmetic dermatology treatments. As a skin care expert, Dr. Gidon utilizes her extensive knowledge of dermatology together with her cosmetic procedures to offer patients the best possible care with the highest professional standards.
As a leading specialist in the field of cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Gidon has examined virtually every product and equipment available for non-invasive enhancement of your appearance. During your private consultation with Dr. Gidon, you can expect to benefit from a customized combination therapy recommendation that includes laser, light, ultrasound and radio frequency based equipment to tone and tighten the skin, remove age spots and spider veins, and reduce stubborn fat deposits.
Additionally, Dr. Gidon is also a leader in providing cosmetic injectables including Neuromodulators for Cosmetic Treatments and Dermal Fillers. These treatments are primarily performed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restore a youthful facial contour, and soften deep folds in specific areas of the face.
Dr. Gidon focuses on non-surgical cosmetic facial and body enhancements. She believes in educating her patients about the vast assortment of cosmetic treatment options available today and takes pleasure in formulating an effective treatment plan that is customized for each patient.
How does laser hair removal work?
The laser generates light that is passed through the skin into the hair follicle. Pigment in the hair and hair follicle absorbs the light energy which is released as heat inside the follicle. This process is called photothermolysis and inhibits growth of hair that is in an active growth phase and may inhibit new hair growth. Patients with light coloured skin and dark hair have the most effective results with the least number of treatments.
How many treatments are necessary and how far apart are the treatments?
The laser only affects hair follicles that are in an active growing phase. Other follicles are in a dormant stage without hair and cannot be treated. When these follicles develop into an active phase, they will be responsive to additional treatments. It usually takes about 6 weeks for the hair to grow back so treatments are about 6 to 8 weeks apart.
Does treatment hurt?
The laser pulse feels like the snap of an elastic band and lasts only a fraction of a second. An anaesthetic cream can be used before the treatment to numb the area. Since many hairs are treated with one pulse, a treatment session may last only minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.
Is treatment permanent?
Laser hair removal offers long-term reduction of hair. Some hairs cannot be eliminated entirely and the treatment cannot prevent new hairs from growing with future aging. After 5 to 8 treatments, patients can expect about 70 to 90% hair reduction that should last for more than 2 years. The remaining hair is finer and lighter in colour.
Dr. Martie Gidon
Dr. Martie Gidon trained in Dermatology at the University of Toronto and is a Board Certified Dermatologist in both Canada, as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the United States, as a Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology. She is a highly skilled and experienced Dermatologist and has been practicing Cosmetic Dermatology for over 20 years.

What areas can be treated?
Almost any area can be treated. The most popular areas to be treated in women are the face, underarms and bikini area, and men commonly treat their backs and chest.
What should be done before a treatment?
Other methods of hair removal such as waxing, plucking or electrolysis should be avoided for 6 weeks prior to laser hair removal. Tanning should be avoided. The areas to be treated should be shaved the day before treatment.
What should be done after a treatment?
Skin may be red and slightly swollen for a few hours after treatment. Wash gently. Shaving is permitted as the hair grows in but avoid waxing, plucking or electrolysis. Avoid tanning in between treatments.
Convenient Financing
Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa is pleased to offer patient financing for a wide variety of services through reputable patient financing companies.
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Learn about the latest cosmetic dermatology technology and treatments Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa has to offer!
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Learn about the latest cosmetic dermatology technology and treatments Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa has to offer!