Is ultrasound body contouring effective? Our Toronto practice meets with many patients who are hoping to enhance their body shape or proportions but are not completely sure whether ultrasound body contouring treatments are right for them. Chances are, everyone has at least one area of the body they wish they could tone, tighten, and sculpt a little more. For this treatment, ultrasound technology is used to break down fat cells below the skin. This can be a highly effective non-surgical option for reducing localized subcutaneous fat – the pinchable, soft fat you can feel directly below the skin’s surface. These destroyed fat cells are eventually flushed out of the body as waste. An ideal candidate for these treatments would be someone who has a healthy diet, exercises regularly, is of average weight or moderately overweight, and has realistic expectations. Let’s delve into some of the main benefits associated with ultrasound body contouring.

  • No Downtime or Recovery Time Necessary

There is no downtime involved so patients can resume their normal activities right away, unlike surgical cosmetic treatments that often require weeks of recovery time. There are also no side effects, no discomfort, and no anesthesia or sedation is required.

  • Results are Long-Lasting

If you continue a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a healthy and balanced diet, the results from ultrasound body contouring are very long lasting. Non-surgical body contouring treatments help you to create your desired effect by reducing small amounts of excess fat on the treated areas. Once fat cells are gone, they don’t come back.

  • There are No Surgical Scars

This type of body contouring treatment does not require any incisions and will not leave any scars.

  • Gradual and Subtle Results

Since the results occur gradually over time and look very subtle rather than sudden and dramatic, this treatment can be ideal for those who would like to shape certain areas of the body but don’t want to make it obvious to others that they’ve had “work done.” This treatment reduces fat from the abdomen, flanks (love handles), thighs (saddle bags), and back.

Is ultrasound body contouring worth it? Our Toronto-based Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa team can discuss this treatment with you and explain more about the benefits of non-surgical body contouring approaches. Call us at 416-483-4541 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

Advantages of Ultrasound Body Contouring