Why do people find full lips attractive? Our Toronto team knows this is one of the most common questions people have about lip augmentation. Your lip symmetry is important for creating ideal facial aesthetics and a beautiful smile. Although having plumper lips is often the goal of lip injections, there are other benefits. One of the biggest misconceptions about these treatments is that they always cause your lips to look overfilled. Filler won’t necessarily make your lips look “ducky”. We can work with you to help you decide whether your goals for lip injections are realistic or appropriate.

In many cases, lip fillers are only known for their ability to ramp up the volume of lips, but they have plenty of lesser-known benefits.

Restoring Your Previous Lip Size

Aging can cause your lips to become thinner or smaller. The distance between the corners of your mouth will increase. Although they can’t prevent the aging process, lip injections are a safe and effective way to restore the volume and contours of your lips. These treatments are highly versatile, and we can provide a variety of options, ranging from a light fill to a very full lip volume depending on your goals.

Correcting Lip Asymmetry

One of the best benefits of lip injections is that they can correct the shape of your lips. There is some degree of asymmetry in everyone’s face. It’s common for lips to be different sizes and shapes, or asymmetrical. If your lips are uneven in a subtle way, it may not be that noticeable but more moderately disproportionate lips may cause you to feel self-conscious.

Reducing Wrinkles

Wrinkles and fine lines can often develop around the lips and mouth area. Although these lines are a natural part of the aging process, smoking and sun exposure can make them worse. By reducing these lines, fillers can give you a softer and younger appearance.

Gradual Results

Another major benefit of lip injections is that you can have a gradual enhancement. The injections can be given over several sessions until the desired fullness is achieved.

Interested in more information about lip fillers? Our Toronto-based Gidon Aesthetics & MediSpa team can explain more about the benefits of lip injections and reasons why so many choose to have these treatments. Call us at 416-483-4541 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

lip filler